by astp101 | Mar 4, 2019 | General news
We’ve been making significant progress with genome assembly for Silene uniflora thanks to some new Pac Bio data for an inbred line. Our initial analyses to look for genes that under under selection across several independently evolving mines are pointing in some...
by astp101 | Dec 12, 2018 | General news
We’ve been attempting to sequence tree pollen with a MinION. Anna (an MSc student supervised by Si Creer, Georgina Brennan and myself) has done an amazing job to get air samples containing tree pollen extracted and into a fit state to run on the sequencer. We...
by astp101 | Dec 10, 2018 | General news
We’re looking to recruit a PhD student (fully funded) on the sea campion project as part of the ENVISION DTP. Click HERE for a pretty flyer about this exciting opportunity and HERE to come and join the team!
by astp101 | Dec 4, 2018 | General news
Welcome (belated) to Danny Wood (PDRA) and Jon Holmberg (research technician) who will both be working on a project investigating the genetic basis of parallel evolution of metal tolerance in sea campion…Lots of genomics and hydroponics!
by astp101 | Dec 4, 2018 | General news
Thanks to a NERC/Newton/Ristekdikti Wallacea grant, we will be hiring a Post-Doc for 32 months to work on a collaborative project between Bangor, Aberdeen, Nottingham and Bogor. Click HERE for a pretty flyer about this exciting opportunity and HERE to come and join...